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09 December 2021

Training on Portable Pilot Units

09 December 2021

This time around, we'd like to extend a cheery welcome to our new customers - the Port Authority of Jamaica (or PortJam for short).

09 December 2021

Hyperion is a modified version of our flagship PPUs.

04 November 2021

Wesley Moore is a Sabine Pilot from USA and a long time user of Navicom gear. He makes some amazing videos of his pilotage.

04 November 2021

They are working on introducing a next-gen navigation software with user-driven functionality and a seamless experience. 

04 November 2021

Portable Pilotage Units (PPUs) have been in the marine industry for many years and are fast becoming 'normal' on the bridges of ships in pilotage waters around the world.

04 November 2021

The article is written and contributed by Paul Stanley who is a consultant for Portable Pilot Units and maritime navigation. It was published in the latest issue of Seaways.