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Hyperion is a modified version of our flagship PPUs. It is the ultimate navigation and positioning tool for safe and simple ship-handling manoeuvres. 

With the Hyperion, users can receive accurate, reliable and real-time vessel dynamics information like Position, Heading, ROT, COG, SOG and AIS targets. 

Hyperion operates as a PPU (Portable Pilot Unit) with SEAiq ECS (Electronic Charting System) and provides a superior aid to berthing when using its PPU functionality.

Hyperion is a modified version of our flagship PPUs. It is the ultimate navigation and positioning tool for safe and simple ship-handling manoeuvres. 

With the Hyperion, users can receive accurate, reliable and real-time vessel dynamics information like Position, Heading, ROT, COG, SOG and AIS targets. 

Hyperion operates as a PPU (Portable Pilot Unit) with SEAiq ECS (Electronic Charting System) and provides a superior aid to berthing when using its PPU functionality.


For more information on the Hyperion, please click here


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