New Zealand
New Zealand, otherwise known as Aotearoa, is an island country based in the Pacific Ocean.
We have two main islands, the North Island or Te Ika-a-Māui, and the South Island or Te Waipounamu.
New Zealand is about 1,500 kms from Australia and 1,000 kms from the Pacific Islands. We’re a water-locked nation, so it’s no surprise that New Zealanders design and manufacture world-class marine navigation systems here. In fact, one of the first government agencies to be established here was the Marine Board of New Zealand (although it has undergone many name changes since the 1860’s). And of course, many years before this, maritime navigation is what led the first Polynesian canoe travellers to the shores of this beautiful country.
Coastal shipping, and thus skills in marine navigation, have always been important in New Zealand. Māori transported goods in wakas, a watercraft similar to a canoe, made of hollowed tree trunks and often decorated with intricate carvings. After the arrival of settlers from Europe, shipping moved to sail then to steamboats. Freight transported over water was the preferred method for a long time, due to our steep, mountainous landscape, thick bush, and the fact that most settlements were coastal.
As international trade increased, so did the development of ports that could handle bigger ships, and equipment to allow seafarers to safely navigate. Relying on the stars and ocean currents moved into reliance on more technical tools.
Then the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) were created, and by the 1980s use of GPS technology in the commercial sector was widespread throughout the world, including in New Zealand. Since GNSS was introduced, even more precise methods of navigation including SBAS and RTK have been developed, enabling the preciseness of location data to improve from a few metres to a mere centimetre.
Many manufacturers of precision navigation systems worldwide use this new technology to drive improvements in their systems.
Yet Navicom Dynamics remain unique.
A small company based on a remote Pacific Island that designs and manufactures world-class navigation systems to rival any larger organisation. So, how did Navicom Dynamics become a market leader in this niche market?

With a stable economy, abundant resources, modern infrastructure and a deregulated economy, New Zealand boasts an ideal environment for businesses to flourish.
The NZ workforce is diverse and highly educated, and we consistently attract talent from overseas. Our technology sector contributes significantly to the NZ economy and as a country, we were early innovators in the use of the internet. (We now boast one of the best network coverages and internet speeds in the world.)
Navicom Dynamics is uniquely placed to take advantage of these aspects of NZ.
Our offices and manufacturing are based on Auckland’s North Shore, close to the biggest port in New Zealand where our partner pilots - otherwise known as friendlies - can test our latest PPU systems. Our staff are highly qualified, experienced, and passionate about the work they do. When the pandemic hit, our team was easily able to pivot and work from home, and continue providing excellent service to our international customers.
Customers can rest assured that while we are remote physically from most of the world, our support and customer care will rival that of a company down the road from you.
When our staff aren’t at work designing and manufacturing exceptional navigation tools, you can find them enjoying New Zealand’s outdoors, culture, and food, and making the most of living in our island paradise.
In fact, on a summer evening walk, our team might even be able to watch a ship coming into to dock at Auckland’s port.
Perhaps even with a Navicom Dynamics PPU in use!
To chat with our sales team about which Navicom Dynamics products would be right for you,
please contact or visit our Solutions Generator page here.